Monday, September 24, 2007


I just wanted to post a quick update about the reason it's been so quiet here lately! Jason and I tackled a home improvement project that kept us busy the entire weekend. We redid our main bathroom. This project was all because one of the towel bars pulled out of the wall a few months ago (to be honest, it was probably about a year ago). The towel bar was wood that was mounted all across the length of the wall... it wasn't just mounted at either end. When it fell off we saw that the existing paint had been applied around the towel bar, so we now had a towel-bar sized stripe on the wall. Our options were to either reinstall the same towel bar in the exact same spot (since we didn't have the paint to patch the bare spot) or to install new towel bars and repaint the walls in a new color. I wanted to repaint and get new towel bars. I also wanted to redo the floor, because the existing tiles (the peel-and-stick kind) had probably been there for quite awhile and had some bad spots where tiles had shifted and had gaps between them, or they were starting to come unstuck at the seams. So anyway, we had a big project to do all because of one towel bar. I hope to post an update soon about the remodel as well as some more cooking posts!! Thanks for being patient, and keep checking back.

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